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Name:Alvin Age:15 going 16. B'day: 06121992/6th December 1992 Loves: Sports, Computer Games, Kpop...... Hates: People who are -> irritating, backstabbing, no mannered, and likes to disturb me when i'm concentrating on something.



New Laptop :x
Wii Games.
MP3 player.


*Chin Siang
*Dan Dan
*Hong Hoon
*Jian Hong
*Jie Ling
*Jun Rong
*Loo Chia
*Min Ning
*Ong Wee Kiat
*Tan Wee Kiat

*Wen Feng
*Mr Jae
*Wei Jie
*Ai Xuan

Please do not remove this. :]

Credits: HaeMin - Love
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Sweets @ 5:12 PM
Looking at the sweet wrappers, James reprimanded himself. He wanted to apologise, but she was no where to be found.' Ahhh Darn i missed her. ' James thought to himself. 'Now i will never have a chance to tell her I love her.' James tried hard to fight back his tears, but his tears were overpowering. He could not resist crying. He was sad. He wanted time to reverse so that he had the chance to apologise for what he had done.

Tearfully, James reminded himself of the past. He used to be the boyfriend of Samantha. They used to be very close, most of the time was spent with each other. Whether was it swimming, tennis, shopping, almost everything was spent with each other. They went everywhere together. They were like honey and bees, almost inseperable. They did everything together. But THAT particular day, it happened.

It was a dark and stormy night, at the chalet which was booked by James to celebrate their 3rd anniversary. There was party, and it was meant to be a surprise for Samantha when she came. He had prepared everything, from punch to sweets. Everything. And he was going to propose to her on that day. However, no matter how long he waited, Samantha never came. James tried to call her on the phone a few times but all he recieved was a busy message. 'Where could she be? She should be here by now!' James thought. However, the guests were starting to feel that she would never come. John, who was James' best friend, and bridegroom-to-be, tried to convince him. James, on the other hand, tried hard to convince himself. He believed that she would appear. James was beggining to lose hope as time flew. He fell asleep soon after.

The next day, James woke up. He scanned the surroundings. 'Still no sight of her..' James thought to himself. He finally gave up and decided to return home where he could continue calling her. His handphone was out of battery and the phone at the chalet were too expensive to use, considering his handphone bills were off the scale. Most people spend too much on their handphone bills when they are in a relationship, and the same goes for James. He took the bus 17 back to his house in Bedok. Feeling tired, he tried hard to keep his eyes open so that he can call Samantha for her whereabouts. He called, called and called. But, still no response from her handphone.'Where could she have gone?' James thought. 'I'm her boyfriend. I should have the right to know where she has gone.'

James tried to find her by going to wherever she likes to go when she's with him. James scoured every inch of Orchard Road. But, to his dismay, still no sign of her. He began to worry.'Where could she go? Even so, she should have told me about this.' He scoured the places she used to go. But she was nowhere to be seen. James finally lost hope. He called Samatha's parents for the whereabouts of Samantha. They told him that she had not been home for 3 days.'But that's not possible! How can she be gone for 3 days without telling me?' James felt angry, but he knew that he should find Samantha first. Then, while he was walking, his handphone rang.*RING RING* James answered,"Hello? This is James speaking. Who's on the line?" The caller gave a sly laugh and replied,"Hahahaha. I've kidnapped your precious girlfriend.If you want her back, give me a ransom of 10 million dollars! Or I will shred her into pieces and you will never see her again! Make your choice....." The phone started buzzing. The signal faded, James could not believe this was happening to him. ' How am i supposed to find 10 million dollars in such a short time?' James thought.

He decided to tell Samantha's parents. No doubt they should know, the kidnappers should have called them for the ransom. James went to Samantha's house. Surprisingly, they were suprised to see him. They asked why he was here, and where Samantha was. James, at that time, decided to try and hide the truth in order not to shock them. But his eyes betrayed him, and he could not resist the fear left in his eyes. Samantha's parents then repeated their question. James, who finally cannot resist the temptation, told them that Samantha was kidnapped, and they wanted a ransom of 10 million dollars. Samantha's parents, now worried about their daughter's safety, suggested that they should call the police and inform them about it. Initially James agreed, but the moment he agreed, they received a phone call. It was from the kidnappers."Hello again. Have you made up your mind? We here are not very patient." James replied, "Ok ok. You will have your 10 million dollars. Just tell me where to leave the money." The kidnappers said,"Great decision. Just put the money in a bag and leave it inside the rubbish bin at the park. No tricks. If i find out that there are police involvement, your girlfriend is dead meat. Understand? "

James didn't know what hit him. He knew he can't have 10 million dollars, nor does Samantha's parents. He started to panic but he didn't show it out. Samantha's parents started worrying. They thought of any possibilities of her whereabouts. Just then, James brainstormed an idea. He started to grin, and Samantha's parents thought." Why is he laughing to himself?"

The next day, James went to the park with a bag full of empty notes. Policemen in cover were nearby, preparing to jump in on the kidnapper trying to collect the money. James felt afraid,'What if they find out that the police were involved in this? Will they really kill Samantha?' he thought. He had prepared for the worse, along with Samantha's parents.

3 hours later, a man who was in khaki shorts, polo shirt and wore a mask appeared. He was scanning left and right for everything. The police believed that he was the man. When he put his hand into the rubbish bin, the police who were undercover rushed in on him. Panicking, the man dropped the bag, but he found out that the police were practically surrounding him.

When the man was caught, he requested to talk to James."Bad choice. I knew you would call the police. That's why I've killed your precious girlfriend even before coming. You will never find her, NOT even her corpse.Hahahahaha!" James was dumbstruck. What happened was the real thing. Samantha's DEAD. He started to cry. He just couldn't fight back his tears. When Samantha's parents arrived at the scene, James was already full of tears. He was devastated. His girlfriend for 3 years is gone, just like that. He couldn't help her in any way. He felt guilty. He knew that his decision caused his girlfriend's death. However, on the other hand, Samantha's parents handled it quite well. They tried to console James, saying that it was not his fault.

A few days after that, James was totally devastated. He didn't went to work and he didn't ate. All because he was too sad to eat or do anything else. He held Samantha's picture in his hand.Thinking back, he cried. Then, he held sweets. Those sweets were given by Samantha. It was a pack of expensive sweets. James could not bear to eat them. He realised that the pack of sweets was the last present given by Samantha. Then, the phone rang. *RING RING* James answered it, and the man on the line was a police officer. He told James that they have found Samantha's body, totally naked. They believed that the kidnappers had raped her before they killed her. This made James angry, but there was nothing he could do, because a few of the kidnappers were still roaming free.

It's now the 5th anniversary of James and Samantha's relationship. But, James was still devastated. For 2 years he cried and mourned for her. And now today, he stood there, in front of Samantha's tomb. He just tried to stay happy, but his happiness eluded him. All that was shown on his face was sadness.He knew that today was their anniversary, but instead of being happy, James felt sad.Motionless, he stood. Then, he offered her fresh flowers and something not expected. He returned her the pack of sweets given to him. Then, turning, he left...