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Name:Alvin Age:15 going 16. B'day: 06121992/6th December 1992 Loves: Sports, Computer Games, Kpop...... Hates: People who are -> irritating, backstabbing, no mannered, and likes to disturb me when i'm concentrating on something.



New Laptop :x
Wii Games.
MP3 player.


*Chin Siang
*Dan Dan
*Hong Hoon
*Jian Hong
*Jie Ling
*Jun Rong
*Loo Chia
*Min Ning
*Ong Wee Kiat
*Tan Wee Kiat

*Wen Feng
*Mr Jae
*Wei Jie
*Ai Xuan

Please do not remove this. :]

Credits: HaeMin - Love
Sunday, July 22, 2007
BAD DAY~ @ 7:52 AM
Today. A bad day. Irritated. Why do so many people like to be emo ? For what reason ? To be inside the crowd ? To be popular ? Not in a million years. Stop being childish people. Nothing's gonna change if u are emo. Live with that fact. If u wanna change something, be the change itself. Stop wishing it all away as if u are living in wonderland. This is the reality. U cant just wish it all away. Find ways to change. If u can't, NO one's gonna scold u. Absolutely no one. No one can help u if u are really keeping something inside ur heart. I hate emos. They are just LOSERS who can't face reality. They think that its safe to be inside their own wonderland. So what ? Everyone has their own fantasy world, but u think they're emo ? Please. don't be naive. No one can help u if u don't wish to open up and tell others about your troubles.

Whats with that first paragraph ? Hmm. Don't wish to talk about it. Anyway. Today was as usual. Although there's nothing usual about the weather today. It kept raining. All day. There were several times when the rain stopped. And as usual, i was mapling all day long. Tch. Died 3 times today in maple. Bleahs seriously bad day.

While playing maple, as usual, i was watching tv. Sundays have no TV programmes that interested me. Not Discovery Channel, Cartoon Network.... None. Not one programme interested me -_-" anyway. bored. all day long maple. i could have leveled today. BLEAHS. Then at about 7.40+ we went out for dinner. Had beef steak for dinner. Quite nice. The vanilla milkshake that i ordered also tasted quite nice. Then reached home at about 8.45. sat down on my sofa and continued mapling .Then all the emo-ing came -_-.

I'm so pissed with emo. Whats SO great about emo ? I really hate to write about these stuff on my blog. Sorry to all. But i just can't understand. IS EMO-ING REALLY A GOOD THING? bah. if so, please leave a message on my tag or add me at . bahhs.

Well thats all. Stay Happy !!~

Thursday, July 19, 2007
Class Assignment - Editing @ 9:23 PM
Original Passage

Studies of prison inmates reveal that as many as 75% of violent offenders had early records of animal cruelty. There is also a high correlation between family violence and animal cruelty. A study in 1983 of New Jersey families referred to youth and family services for reasons of child abuse reported that 88% of cases had at least one member of the household who physically abused animals. An English researcher found that 83% of families reported for animal abuse also had children listed at high risk of abuse or neglect.

Edited Version:

Prison inmates say that as many as 75% of offenders had records of being cruel to animals. There is a high relation between family and animal abuse. Studies in 1983 of New Jersey families referred to family services for child abuse. 88% of these cases had one member of the family physically abused animal. An English researcher that 83% of families reported for animal abuse had children at high risk of abuse/neglect.

Friday, July 13, 2007
OMG FRIDAY THE 13TH !!! @ 6:38 PM
wth.. i noticed this day when i was in school on 11th..crap. knew today was gonna be bad luck ~ and so it happens. almost couldn't go to school on time. luckily mum woke me. or else i would be dead. then, as expected, school was boring as usual. teachers talking, we talking, barely can hear anything in the chaos ~_~. anyway. the first period was class family time. mr jae talked to us about the national day funfair thingy. had no ideas. blur >.<><" less intake for us then. continuing that was pe. very boring pe, even though its basketball. we had to pass here pass there ~_~. lame sia. i've played bball alot of times, yet i hafta do this =.= so boring. then fairus and his team were NOT playing fair. seriously. they keep passing close range. bah, would haf really go crazy. seriously. then after that, they played rough. assholes. bunch of them. first they bullied karan. then sabri as well. followed by other teammates. and they still think its funny. crappy dumbasses. immature. bah. was really very pissed off. was about to lose my temper. they dont treat basketball and people seriously. they just think its fun to bully. they make me sick. anyway. after that, i was really really really pissed off. and gladly, the bell rang. went back to class. feeling abit emo O.o seriously was a bad day. -_- then, poa came. as usual 3 periods of poa really made me sleepy. budden i manage to keep awake. i understood most of things that i usually canot do today. WOW. something turned out great today. and dun forget today's friday the 13th. the unlucky day. then, maths came along. mr ang had something to do and a relief teacher came in. the relief teacher was a chinese teacher, but her english was really fluent. didn't manage to finish the work. too hard. and too pissed off with all the noise in the classroom. -_- then came recess. went to wf's class to chat. wj came along shortly. then we talked and talked. what we talked about ? MAPLE. -_- apparently sw has been so away from maple so long that he didn't know the new things. then, english. was scolded by mr jae. only 6 of us came down on time. was scolded for nothing. had to organize the tables for debate. even though i thought it was my unlucky day, i wasn't the group to debate. lucky me. bad thing is, sabri didn't bring his notes, and it meant that i had a good advantage. but, haix. hafta wait for monday. then. school's over. went to wf's house to wait for him to change. then after that, went to wj's house. played maple, pokemon. NINTENDO DS LITE IS SO TEMPTING ~_~. O.o sia. the thing so tempting ~_~. nvm i buy wii first LOL~ anyway after that brian came wj's house. he then realized the greatness of MAPLE LOL~ he finally decided to play maple again . and its good news for me LOL~ anyway. then we went to safra. we waited for pool table or bowling lane. full. very full. full of tp or ite students. then .we saw js jh rence and ck. they were there early. but they still couldn't find a table -_-. bah LOL. we played pool. me and wf were against each other. i was unlucky at first, but at the end, when i was lagging behind by 2 balls, i managed to overtake wf with my 3 BALL SHOOTING XD. the balls were in a line, and i used the cue ball, to smack all. and they went seperate directions. one into the left centre pocket and the other 2 to the left and right pockets respectively. FUNNY SIA. anyway then we played bowling. starting was really a disaster. the highest was me at 65 -_- after one whole game, we found lighter bowling balls. my score then changed. from 65 to 117 LOL~ the last one was a disaster. when i threw the ball, i sort of slid into the runway. and i fell -_- PAIN TO MY BACK~ my back now hurts. and miraculously, i scored a strike. funny eh? then after that game we decided to go home. and later we will be going mapling LOL~

Wednesday, July 04, 2007
hmm. what title. OH ya TODAY ~_~ @ 5:46 AM
today... 4/07/07. very boring. Not the first time in my whole life that a day was boring. Bah. Woke up as usual. unexpectantly i managed to catch the bus even though i left my house late LOL... anyway. when i reached school. its so freaky .. -_- so silent.... i could almost hear cricket O_O. sat down at the usual spot.. talked to sang wei on and on about dota -_-. quitted boring always kena trashed -_- LOL.. zzz then, as usual, mr tan offed the lights early O_O. for what i have no idea. save electricity ? nah. that few mins more of light wont save much. maybe. Then, first period. HISTORY CORE~ . seriously almost fell asleep because the room was so cozy and there was aircon and the lesson was seriously boring~ then, next lesson ? social studies. talking about it makes me feel weird. 3E3 and 3E5 going on excursion to the parliament house. FOR SOCIAL STUDIES. WTH. why are we not going O_O. don't tell me different dates. i'm not really that dumb. anyway they are going this friday. luckily for me my friends from those classes are coming for cca LOL. then, third lesson. english. as usual mr jae is angry. not really very rare. and we can't blame him. its because some people in our class really are full-time jokers. can't stop talking or laughing. its no wonder teachers would scold more -_- no offense. anyway next came recess. as usual we had no where to go. went to 3E5 classroom for the whole recess. talked about maple maple maple. bleahs. seriously bored of maple. but no more games really interests me. bah. maple is also very boring anyway LOL. anyway after recess was bio. mr chaw was as usual again, being bullied by the class -_- feel so sorry for him. he has to do his job yet no one really listens -_-. anyway next came emaths. mr ang was in a rush because he had a test(not really a test though. the title was holiday assignment O_O). that test was really very simple. finished it within 10 mins. again almost fell asleep. o_O. then finally. the last period of the day. ASSEMBLY. I HATE ASSEMBLY. HAFTA SIT THERE FOR 1 WHOLE HOUR. which always either causes abit of butt cramp and back aches. but aww well. glad today got o'levels in the hall. -_-". or else we would be kept back till 2.30 or even later. -_-. then, i got sabotaged by wf and wj and ax(maybe) and terrence to teach the sec ones -_-. means i hafta stay back till 4.30 O_O. its so boring. before guitar started, me and wf went to fp. wj didn't come. terrence also. so it was left me wf and ax. -_- stupid wj PS us O_O. LOL ~ anyway. ate chicken rice LOL ~ then after that drank anything and went downstairs to fairprice for a little shopping xD. bought a m&m's peanut chocolates. <33 chocolate... then wf called ax asking her what she wanted O_O. she said she wanted cheese. MELTED cheese O_O. wth ? wf and i really had no idea what she wanted. wf almost proceeded to buy cheese cubes LOL~~ in the end i bought only chocolates. wf bought a pack of twisties(cheese) and a pack of chocolate marshmallows. we then went back. the whole sec one guitar was really messy O_O. the instructer apparently wasn't able to grab their attention. saw one sec one girl sitted right at the back, doing what ? doing homework -_-... seriously it was boring. -_- then finally dismissal. we went back and ax takes the bus at the same stop. but different buses. we talked and talked. as usual she bullied me LOL~ okok not say bully. abit on the teasing side. then the bus came. by this time, i was listening to my mp3 on the bus. the bus was really not very crowded. but when reach the TP stop, the bus became full. almost immediately. expected this anyway. the TP students would be dismissed by this time. then, while on the bus, i saw 3 girls. 2 with psp O_O wth. white ones O_O. looks so nice. budden i haf my own..anyway reached my bus stop, walked home...