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Name:Alvin Age:15 going 16. B'day: 06121992/6th December 1992 Loves: Sports, Computer Games, Kpop...... Hates: People who are -> irritating, backstabbing, no mannered, and likes to disturb me when i'm concentrating on something.



New Laptop :x
Wii Games.
MP3 player.


*Chin Siang
*Dan Dan
*Hong Hoon
*Jian Hong
*Jie Ling
*Jun Rong
*Loo Chia
*Min Ning
*Ong Wee Kiat
*Tan Wee Kiat

*Wen Feng
*Mr Jae
*Wei Jie
*Ai Xuan

Please do not remove this. :]

Credits: HaeMin - Love
Sunday, August 31, 2008
31/08/08 @ 4:01 AM

Seriously, this incident made me wonder. What happened to the manners of kids of Singapore. They accidentally hit people and don't even bother saying sorry. I wonder how they are taught at home.

This incident happened when i was going home just now. Seriously, i don't understand some parents and their kids. I was sitting on one seat. It was those kinds of "facing each other" seats. Everything was fine until this family of 4 came on board the bus and sat on those seats. Obviously 5 people can't occupy 4 seats. Yet these 2 kids came and squeezed with me with 2 seats. I know i shouldn't be angry with kids. But what came after was a few minutes of irritation and annoyance. The little girl who sat next to me started to brush her hair. There was already not enough space for us already. She barely had enough space to stretch her hands, let alone brushing her hair. But apparently, she decided to just brush, totally ignoring my presence. I remained calm, thinking that this will all go away soon. I only had a few stops more before this annoyance ended. But, apparently, they felt that it wasn't enough. The girl then decided to start to attack my shoes too. She started to do apparently some light kicking to my shoes. It was the first time i was wearing that pair of shoes, and obviously i wasn't feeling very happy about it. What made it worse was that the parents sitting opposite of me didn't even freaking bother to stop them. I'm sure they could see my face already. They did nothing to stop them and went on chatting. So what, I'm invisible? They just CAME on board the bus, and just slammed right into my seat, in the hope that I would leave? NO FREAKING WAY. Apparently, what i thought of their actions were that they were trying to shoo me off my seat. The motive was so obvious. After i left my seat, the girls just took over my seat like it was supposed to be theirs. Seriously they have no sense of moral values. 2 adults and 2 children. I wouldn't put the blame on the child since they're still children, but the adults are really..... They should have at least the DECENCY to ask the person whether he/she would allow to share 2 seats with 3 people, but NO. ALL THEY DID WAS SLAM RIGHT INTO MY SEAT, LIKE IT WAS THE MOST OBVIOUS THING TO DO. THAT MADE ME DISGUSTED WITH THEIR ACTIONS. Freaking mood spoilers of the day.

Anyway, enough of that shenaningan. Today, me, WJ and HH went to the Matsuri Cosfest at VivoCity. It was so crowded. There were alot of people who cos-played as anime characters, and apparently some from games as well. The music that was also switched on was REALLY REALLY REALLY very loud. I could barely hear myself talking when the music was played. I guess thats the only flaw in the whole event. There were also alot of cos-players who dressed up as Naruto characters(which i seriously hate). Its still fun to see people doing ridiculous poses for some cameramen who came only to enjoy the event. Its amazing how they really resemble the people in the anime. Well, we stayed there from 11+ to about 4pm, where WJ had to go to his piano lessons. We walked around Tampines Mall, while waiting for WJ to finish his piano lesson. We went into toys R us where we found lots of interesting stuff, like monopoly with the electronic banking system. Then we went into Popular, where we met Pam and CS. Wonder what were they doing. :x Anyways, we went for Macdonalds after WJ's lesson was over and had our dinner. We also played the final number game which ended up me losing both times. The punishment was horribly, disgustingly, distasteful. Thats all i did for the whole day. ._.

Thursday, August 28, 2008
28/08/08 @ 1:09 AM

Hmm. Wow. Didn't know i was so good in playing UNO. I thrashed Fadhly and HH 6 consecutive times. However, lost to Fadhly once due to HH being blur enough =.=;;, if not could have made a perfect 7 wins before leaving. Anyways, kinda satisfying to win 6 times, since wasn't really very good at UNO.

Today, school's just as usual. Raining as usual. Lining up as usual. Craps as usual. Nothing much interesting happened today. Except that we were going to do something on Teacher's Day Concert tomorrow. It was a song, and coincidentally i heard it on Disney Channel 2 days ago. Its such a nice song, and it really suits the situation tomorrow. I bet most of the more sentimental teachers would drop tears of joy tomorrow. But, we had to clear everything from the cupboard today, and its so full. I wonder how the cupboard is right now, since most of the people have already cleared their stuff in the cupboard. Seriously, my neck and shoulders are aching due to the heavy load. Anyways, still anticipating tomorrow's concert, with WF and Terence's performance and the song.

For those who wants to listen to the song, heres the exact video i saw 2 days ago.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
School. 26/08/08 @ 11:54 AM

Anyways, mrs oh, is REALLY very unreasonable. Surely i have said this many times in school already. Simply nothing more to say about her. I mean, which freaking principal would seriously force the students to obey whatever she says. She says, "Do give comments..." blah blah blah craps, yet she doesn't even listens to them. Probably, she justs throws all the comments away like pieces of crap. Prelims are just around the corner, and shes still SOOOOO concentrated on PLEASING the visitors to the school. And whatever she says doesn't seriously make sense. She said," When the visitor goes to your class, please stand and greet the guests...". But the problem is, she never thought of what we were doing. Seriously. Luckily, no visitor went to our class. But seriously, i think she would have expected us to stand even during a prelim exam.

And whats next? Just because the Minister of Education is coming to our school. SO what? Does that mean, they get to abuse their power? Bleahs. Bunch of crap. She creates rules out of the sudden, forces us to obey them and whatnots. Seriously. Everytime someone makes a mistake, she freaking addresses the school. What for? And recently there was the bus incident. I mean come on. SOME of us dont even take the bus, and we got scolded and addressed for nothing. And its such a freaking waste of valuable time. And seriously, it was only like 3 stops to the interchange. I don't see the need to complain about that incident. I'm seriously sure some of the students from other schools also doesn't do that during bus rides. Anyway, shes simply too naggy, with the whole bunch of crap when she addresses the school.

And today, everything was fine until she showed up in class. Freaking irritating. Just came into the class and shouted. I wish i could just freaking shouted in her face. What, she just shows up, and just demands the respect? pfft. Yeah, she wish. We were like doing our work, and what do we get? A freaking scolding from her. For what reason? Just because the floor was dirty. I mean come on. She should already know by now how my class is already, obviously she can't expect perfection from our class. She has seriously no idea.

Bleahs. Nothing more to write already. Feeling abit pissed. Anyway, will get a new banner soon. Try to make one myself.

Well lets not get that destroy my day.

Love this MV, looks so sad.

and this one.